Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tzatziki Recipe

A friend forwarded this video to me. I can't wait to try it! definitely subscribing to his channel.

1 cup Greek yogurt
fresh lemon, 1-2 tsp
1-2 cloves of garlic
cucumber, grated or finely diced. Squeeze out excess moisture
black pepper
1/2 tsp olive oil

1. Grate cucumber, squeeze out excess moisture
2. Add cucumber to yogurt
3. Add lemon juice, garlic, olive oil
4. Season with salt & pepper
5. Mix
6. Refrigerate for a day

Serve with pita bread. MmmM! Thanks Sub4MoreBBQ or the recipe and my friend N for forwarding it to me!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mixed Vegetable Pasta with Red Tomato Sauce

Ingredients: tomato sauce, boiled pasta, carrot, jicama, red cabbage, white onion, garlic, olive oil, tofu, salt, thinly sliced oyster mushroom
stir fry oyster mushroom, tofu, onion, add salt

add the rest of the ingredients

add red cabbage last since it add tends to cook quickly. Add more sauce for seasoning (adjust amount for taste). 
Add olive oil for a smooth taste at the end. We want to not cook the olive oil to enjoy its healthy benefits.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quick sweet yam and mushroom stir fry

Ingredients: onion, sweet yam (dice into cubes and microwave, not in photo), shiitake mushroom, coyote, peas, white onion (not in photo)

sauce: hoisin, soy sauce., 1/2 tsp of cornstarch. Substitute water for oil

enjoy with white or brown rice. Yum!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fresh squash noodles

xl rice noodles, boiled & drained

thinly sliced squash

jalepeno and scallions
Other ingredients: 
firm tofu
salt (enough to taste)
black pepper
quick, delicious